Design your story based on where you want to be and you’ll attract opportunities to accelerate you there.
Saleema shares her journey and her book about entrepreneurship and innovation.
media features and articles
Innovation Starts With ‘I’ In The Reinvention Revolution
As we settle into a post-pandemic reality, the time is ripe for setting up a kinder future — a future centered around ourselves and radiating outward.
COVID-19 triggered the beginning of a new era of work embedded with remote jobs, flexible hours, and, surprisingly, a lot more empathy for our fellow employees and employers. As a result, an increasing number of people are quitting their 9-5 jobs to pursue their passions, reinvent themselves, and reposition their brands and businesses to align closer with their values.
Redefining Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Saleema Vellani explores the entrepreneurial mindset and considers how the future landscape of personal exploration, employment and industry will require ubiquitous innovation skills of new graduates and business leaders alike
In January 2020, the World Economic Forum kicked off the Reskilling Revolution Platform with the aim of retooling one billion people over the next ten years with skills appropriate for the era. Automation and advanced AI will render certain skill sets obsolete but the acceleration of human creativity, teamwork and ingenuity will remain vital.
Innovating Through Empathy To Thrive In A Divided World
As many of the past year's events have shown us, especially the recent US election, we’re living in a deeply divided world with a major empathy deficit. As a result, we as individuals are seeking to be understood first rather than seeking to understand others. Which, it turns out, is not a habit of a highly effective person — or even a highly effective world.
Struggling to unleash your impact? Start with you.
The only person stopping you from unleashing your impact, and stepping into the leader you feel that you’re meant to become, is you. That’s right. YOU.
It can feel easy to blame our circumstances and come up with excuses instead of just owning it. I used to blame-shift all the time, until I was forced to become really honest with myself. I eventually realized that my perspective was influenced by my limited experiences. I would see my life and future through the lens of my past experiences.
Can Young Entrepreneurs Boost Africa's Economic Growth?
Africa is progressively making its impression as a continent for growth and opportunity. African countries are understanding that entrepreneurship is crucial to reducing youth unemployment and getting young people involved in activities that support economic growth. Technology is a major platform in the disruption of the existing conditions, creating more variety and innovation in the workforce. Governments, philanthropists, and influential businesses are creating environments that enable entrepreneurship throughout the continent.
How To Thrive In The Reinvention Revolution
We’re living through a period of time where we’re forced to reinvent ourselves faster and more frequently than ever before. 2020 was the year of the pivot. It tested our resilience on a global level, and many of us were forced to reinvent our lives, careers, and organizations. It made us realize that we need more than just the reskilling that countless studies have called for. We need constant reinvention.
The Career Move Of A Decade Is Waiting For You—And Time Is Running Out
The future of work — which we’ve already entered — is changing rapidly toward the "next normal" – a hybrid of the virtual and physical work environment. As this shift occurs, new opportunities for leadership and innovation will emerge, making your next career move likely the most important one you will make in the coming decade.
Making The Digital Leap In Response To COVID-19 And Beyond
Is your business struggling to pivot or ramp up their digital plans? You’re not alone.
According to McKinsey, even before this pandemic brought digital transformation front and center, 80% of executives were concerned that their current business models were at risk of being disrupted in the near future. 84% of executives reported that innovation is essential to their growth strategy.
Is Design Thinking a Catalyst for Innovation?
Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that regards problem-solving as a creative pursuit, and it makes sense in many business contexts. For example, design thinking can be used by brands to discover successful product improvements, or it can be used in leadership training to help business and organizational leaders make a greater positive impact.
How Innovation Starts With An Honest And Open Dialogue With Yourself
You just don’t fit into our company culture.
Ever heard this? Chances are, you're not alone. Chances are also that the problem isn’t you.
Podcast Features
Hustle & Grace with Hilary Sutton
Baily Hancock Presents: Stop, Collaborate & Listen |
Leadership & Brand Strategy – Minter Dialogue |
InnoLatino: A Latino Podcast on Innovation and Leadership